Agee and Tinsley

Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries

Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries


Spinal Cord Injuries are damage to any part to the spinal cord or nerves at the end of the spinal canal. Spinal Cord injuries often cause permanent changes in strength, sensation and other bodily functions. Spinal Cord injuries can be among the most catastrophic of personal injuries. Symptoms of spinal cord injuries include loss of movement, loss or altered sensation including the inability to feel heat, cold and touch, a loss of bladder or bowel control, exaggerated reflex activities or spasms, changes in sexual function, pain or intense stinging sensation, and difficulty breathing. Anyone who suffers a significant trauma to their head or neck needs immediate medical evaluation for the possibility of a spinal injury. It is safest to assume that trauma victims have a spinal injury until proven otherwise. Serious injuries are not always immediately obvious. Numbness and paralysis may come on gradually as bleeding or swelling occurs around the spinal cord. The time between injury and treatment can be critical in determining the extent and severity of complications and the possible extent of an expected recovery. Anyone that has a suspected spinal cord injury needs to be assessed by trained emergency medical personnel and seen by medical professionals as quickly as possible. A traumatic spinal cord injury can occur from any sudden traumatic blow to the spine that fractures, dislocates, crushes or compresses one or more vertebrae. A spinal injury can also result from penetrating wounds.

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