Agee and Tinsley

Ligament Injuries

Ligament Injuries


Ligaments are the short bands of flexible tissue that connect the bones of the body together. Ligament injuries can occur in any joint. The knee and ankle are particularly susceptible to ligament injury. Ligaments are strained when the joints are stressed beyond their normal range. Ligament injuries can occur as a result of personal injury. Ligament injuries can occur as a result of a car wreck, tractor wreck, motorcycle wreck or a fall. A traumatic ligament injury will generally include a sudden onset of pain, then severe swelling, joint instability and impaired function. While minor ligament injuries may heal with no permanent problems, more significant ligament injuries can cause permanent injury or even require surgery for treatment. Treatments can include weight-bearing braces, supportive taping, physical therapy, medicine and surgery.
Whenever you suffer a personal injury and have any of these symptoms, you need to seek medical care.

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